Success in Tooth Whitening and Shade Matching

While a shade tab helps us to approximate the hue, chroma and value, it does not tell us about other subtle differences. To get better results, a photograph can make all the difference. Pictures allow the dental technician to see the shading and unique characteristics of the tooth, as well as features of the adjacent dentition.

Shade Matching

Using traditional or digital shade guides, dentists can approximate the correct shades and gather information about the various hues and shade layers in one tooth. But while shade taking, clinicians must be mindful of the environment in which the match is being made, as everything from lighting to clothing color can affect the outcome. 5 Clinicians realize that teeth are not opaque blocks of white. And, especially in the case of indirect restorations, this is where artistic skill pays off. By layering shades and building in nuanced characterizations and translucencies, clinicians — or their lab partners — are, indeed, creating small, functional masterpieces.