implant milled bars

The implant supported milled bar overdenture is a very interesting option in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe reabsorbed maxilla problems. It offers both the advantages of removable prostheses as well as the stability and retention of a fixed prosthesis.

CAM-Milled Implant Bars

The success of an implant prosthesis is determined by the collaborative efforts of the dental implant team, which typically includes the surgeon, restorative dentist, and dental technologist. All members of this prosthodontic clinical and technical team must understand the responsibilities, needs, and desires of other team members if they are to provide optimal prosthetic care for a compromised edentulous patient

Implant-Bar Diagnostics

Understanding prosthetic needs, desires, and expectations is critical to achieving a successful level of satisfaction for an edentulous patient seeking implant treatment. Through the use of digital photos and mounted casts, we can visualize the patient’s oral condition and evaluate existing restorative space required for an implant overdenture milled bar. Utilizing implant-planning software with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans helps the prosthetic implant team evaluate potential placement of the implants and need for bone reduction to achieve the desired restorative space..

Implant dentistry has matured from the early days where the main goal was to provide function. Today, the need of the hour is to provide function with long-term esthetics that respects the parameters of hard- and soft-tissue biology and preserves the surrounding bone architecture around functional implants for decades. This puts a unique responsibility on the clinicians today, who need to train from the biologic perspective to place the implant in stable tissues and from a technical perspective to prevent long term prosthetic complications. Given the large number of implants placed in recent times, the complications experienced are only bound to increase. Moreover, if such complication does end up occurring, there has to be a pathway and protocol to manage these without extensive intervention and remakes.

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