Lab Fabricated Custom Cast Abutments

Most implant systems have a “gold adapt” or “UCLA” type of abutment. These abutments have a plastic sleeve that the experienced technician can modify, and then cast, to accommodate a range of axial inclinations between implant and the overlying crown. This system allows the technician to create the best possible abutment to support the Doctor’s choice of restorative crown. An excellent solution.


Anterior or Posterior restorations with angular placed implants are best suited for this type of abutment

CAD/CAM Fabricated Abutments

This type of abutment continues to evolve with new advances in CAD/CAM technology. Our current recommendation is the Calypso™ custom zirconia abutment. We work with most major implant systems to provide the right solution for you. Please contact you local Modern Dental Center to discuss.


Anterior restorations utilizing translucent materials, such as Eris or e-max, are indicated for zirconia abutments.

Custom Implant Bars

At Modern Dental our goal is to provide you with reliable restorations utilizing the latest technology.  Our  CAD/CAM milled bars are designed to evenly distribute load across the implants and provide long-term stabilization.  Our experienced technicians will work with you to design and produce the best solution for your patients’ needs.
